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EPA Adopting Nairobi Name - The Mercury
Article about local EPA businesses adopting "Nairobi" into their business names. Businesses making such changes included Nairobi Shopping Center, Oja...
Pamphlet for The Annette Latorre Nursery School
Pamphlet for the Annette Latorre Nursery School with photos and an introductory letter from Gertrude Wilks and other representatives from Mothers for Equal...
Nairobi College 20th Year Reunion Program
Printed program from the Nairobi College 20th Year Reunion, held at the EPA Council Chambers. Includes an interview with Nairobi College Founder Robert...
East of Bayshore Teen Summer Project - Nairobi Summer Project
Book with program philosophy, teachers schedules and plans, questionnaires, and letters about the 1969 Nairobi Summer Program.
Itinerary for the Schule Mandela Academy's Trip to CIBI's 21st Annual Science Exposition
Complete itinerary for the Shule Mandela Academy's visit to the 21st Annual Council of Independent Black Institutions (CIBI) Science Exposition in...
Nairobi College 50th Anniversary Reunion T-Shirt
T-shirt from the Nairobi College 50th Anniversary Reunion celebration. Front features artwork and the reverse says "there was once a place... Nairobi,...
Teaching With a Money-Back Guarantee - Grapevine
Article in Grapevine about the Nairobi Schools. Includes interviews with Barbara Mouton.
Day School Turns Away 25 - Palo Alto Times
Article about East Palo Alto Day School (later Nairobi Day School) having to turn away 25 students from classes at Kavanaugh School. Includes enrollment...
Proposal for Nairobi High School and Proposal for Parent Involvement for Nairobi High School and Day School
Proposal for a Nairobi High School, complete with rationale, school operation plan, time commitments, and curriculum. The proposal for parents involvement...
Letter from Barbara Mouton containing the 1975 Annual Update on the Nairobi Schools
Letter from Barbara Mouton that reflects on the struggles the Nairobi Schools endured throughout 1975. Covers the economic depression, a fire, and the...
Recipe for Building a School Pamphlet
Pamphlet by Gertrude Wilks that outlines the context, reasoning, and ingredients for building a new school. Gives some context on EPA in 1960s and local...
Facts About the Nairobi Schools Pamphlet
Pamphlet that presents various facts about the Nairobi schools, include the scope of the educational program, brief origin of the school, school philosophy,...
Education By, For and About African Americans: A Profile of Several Black Community Schools
Excerpts from Education By, For and About African Americans: A Profile of Several Black Community Schools, a book edited by Deborah K. Daniels, a member of...
Statement to the Committee on Equal Education Opportunity
Statement to the Committee on Equal Education Opportunity about the importance of the Nairobi schools as an educational alternative for educating Black...
Nairobi College Article in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning Vol. 5 No. 3
Article on the history, programs, and influence of Nairobi College.
Flyer and Article about the First Annual Black/Afrikan History Celebration
Materials advertising the First Annual Black/Afrikan History Celebration, presented by the Palo Alto Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and the...
Pamphlet on the Nairobi Seminars, Sponsored by the Nairobi Secretariat
Pamphlet with information on the Nairobi Seminars, a series of bi-weekly lectures and discussions on local, national, and international Afrikan issues....
On African Values - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Kofi Lomotey, the president of the Council of Independent Black Institutions (CIBI). Lomotey was personally involved with three local EPA...
Shule Mandela Academy Information Packet for the Third Annual Family Cultural Arts Festival
Collection of materials about the Shule Mandela Academy's Third Annual Family Cultural Arts Festival, also called the Jazz & Arts Cultural Festival....
Soul festival launches cultural center - Palo Alto Times
Article about the "Nairobi Soul Festival" to celebrate the opening of the Nairobi Cultural Center in East Palo Alto. Includes description of the facility at...
East of Bayshore Section from The Peninsula Bulletin Vol 6, No 41
Articles from the East of Bayshore Section covering Ravenswood High School students attending the National Red Cross Aquatic School, the Lions Club donating...
The Peninsula Gazette - Vol. 2 No. 20
This issue of The Peninsula Gazette covers a new radio show by Rev. Thomas Sanders and the Heavenly Echoes of EPA, the return of the Lee Home to EPA, the...
Nairobi Newsletter - June 1970
Newsletter about Nairobi, CA. Includes articles about Black GIs from Vietnam who've entered the drug rehabilitation program at the Menlo Park V.A. hospital,...
Ravenswood Post Vol. 22, No. 25
Issue of the Ravenswood Post with articles about Nairobi schools, an OICW luncheon honoring EPA Councilman Clarence Jackson, a lawsuit filed against the...
The Nairobi Day School: An African American Independent School, 1966-1984
Article from Vol 61, No 2 of the Journal of Negro Education about the creation and pedagogy of the Nairobi education method, utilized at the Nairobi Day...
E. Palo Alto Coming of Age - Painfully - San Jose Mercury News
This article in the San Jose Mercury News delineates the history of East Palo Alto; starting with the founding of Ravenswood in 1949 and ending with the...
Kalamu Chaché Interview
Interview of Kalamu Chaché by Jesse Norfleet about Nairobi College. Topics include: migrating to EPA in 1966 from NYC; the importance of religious education;...
Donald Smothers Interview
Interview of Donald Smothers by Jesse Norfleet about Nairobi College. Topics include: how Nairobi College started; its concepts, early programs,...
Nairobi Mayor Finally Resigns in Protest Over White's Death - Ravenswood Post
Article about EPA Municipal Councilwoman Willia Gray resigning from the Council and any San Mateo County governing bodies she served on. The resignation was...
Lakiba Pittman Interview
Interview of Lakiba Pittman by Jesse Norfleet about Nairobi College. Topics include: working at Nairobi Day School and Nairobi College, singer-songwriter for...
Larry Calloway Interview
Interview of Larry Calloway by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to EPA from Hunter’s Point in San Francisco at age 13; comparison of the two places;...
Nozipo & Vulindlela Wobogo Interview
Interview of Nozipo & Vulindlela Wobogo by Jesse Norfleet. Topics include: why they came to EPA in 1968, working at Drew Health Center, Vulindela's political...
Bob Hoover Interview
Interview of Robert "Bob" Hoover by Ruben Avelar. Topics discussed include Hoover's journey to EPA, the influence of Ed Becks, EPA's Community House for...
Rufus Puckett, Jr. Interview
Interview of Rufus Puckett, Jr. by Meda Okelo. Topics include: migration from San Francisco to Fordham Street in EPA in 1967; EPA in the 60s; RCSD schooling...
Martha Goodwill Murray Hanks Interview
Interview of Martha Hanks by Dianne Otterby. Topics include: the family migration to East Palo Alto; her schooling; living in the house that her father had...
Joyce King Interview
Interview of Joyce King by Sharifa Wilson and Sydney Jackson. Topics discussed include King's journey to EPA, Black students at Stanford University and the...
Dr. Omowale Satterwhite Interview
Interview of Omowale Satterwhite by Jesse Norfleet about the Nairobi movement. Topics include: his migration to EPA, attending Stanford, involvement with...
Mama Dee Uhila Interview
Interview of Mama Dee Uhila by Sisilia Afungia. Topics include: migration to EPA from San Mateo in the 1970s, migration of Pacific Islanders in the 1970s and...
Trevor Burrowes Interview
Interview of Trevor Burrowes by Meda Okelo. Topics discussed include the Black Power Movement, Ed Becks, Ida Berk, Nairobi College, Incorporation, the Weeks...
Henry "Hank" Organ Interview
Interview of Henry "Hank" Organ by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to East Palo Alto, living at Light Tree Apartments, early thoughts of incorporation,...
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